Simon Curry
Following his studies at the Irish Baptist College, Simon became the Pastoral Assistant in Ballycrochan Baptist before joining the church in Larne in September 2015. He was inducted as our Pastor in Sept 2016.

Andrew Henry
Elder & Church Treasurer
Andrew has served as an Office Bearer for the past twenty four years, the last ten of which as an Elder with particular responsibility for the Youth Work

Tim Bailie
Church Secretary & Youth Fellowship
Tim began attending Larne Baptist Church in 1999, joining in membership shortly afterwards. He has been a Youth Fellowship Leader since 2003 and a Deacon since 2006. He was appointed Church Secretary in March 2015

Scott McCloskey
Elder & Sunday School
Scott has served as a Deacon since 2008 and was elected to the office of Elder in June 2015. He has also been Sunday School Superintendent for the past five years.

Karen McCloskey
Senior Bible Class
Karen joined the Church in 2006 and currently leads the Senior Bible Class. She is a member of the music team and a speaker at children’s meetings, youth events and women’s meetings.

Debbie Warke
Debbie has been a member of Larne Baptist Church since 2001. She has been on the Ladies Committee for a number of years and has served as Secretary of the Ladies Fellowship since 2008.

Wendy Davison
The Almond Tree & Centre Manager, CAP Larne
Wendy has responsibility for organising our latest ministry, the Almond Tree (Ecclesiastes 12:5)- outreach lunch for over 50s on the last Friday of each month.
In May 2014 Christians Against Poverty entered into partnership with Larne Baptist Church to open a CAP Debt Centre in Larne. Wendy was appointed to be Centre Manager. A number of local churches have united to support the work of CAP and to assist Wendy.

Roy Warke
Deacon & CAP Release Manager, Larne
Having attended Larne Baptist Church since coming to saving faith in Jesus Christ in 1999, Roy helps run a weekly drop-in at the church for adults in the community, every Friday evening.